The thrilling conclusion to Landry Park is full of love, betrayal, and murder--perfect for fans of Divergent, The Selection, andPride and Prejudice.
In Landry Park, Madeline turned her back on her elite family, friends, and estate to help the Rootless. Now, in Jubilee Manor, she struggles to bring the Gentry and the Rootless together. But when Gentry heirs—Madeline’s old friends—are murdered, even she begins to think a Rootless is behind it, putting her at odds with the boy she loves and the very people she is trying to lead. If she can’t figure out who is killing her friends and bring them to justice, a violent war will erupt and even more will die—and Madeline’s name, her estate, and all the bonds she’s forged won’t make any difference.
This conclusion to Landry Park, which VOYA dubbed "Gone with the Wind meets The Hunger Games,” is a richly satisfying, addictive read.
Jubilee Manor (Landry Park #2)
Publisher: Dial/Penguin
Release Date: August 11th 2015
Genre: Dystopian, Young Adult, Romance, Science Fiction

Being a librarian helped immensely with the writing process of both Landry Park and Jubilee Manor. Since the world of Landry Park is set in the future and run by nuclear power, there were several aspects of the novels that required scientific research—and very specific scientific research. And of course, at the library we have more than books for these kinds of things! We have science journals and massive digital databases filled with scholarly articles about anything you could imagine. Because I was really familiar with all of these resources, it made researching things like radiation sickness and hydrogen cars extremely quick and easy.
Being a librarian also helped in a more general sense, because I think that the key to being a successful career writer is being well-read, both inside and outside your genre. And no one is more well-read than a librarian! Being around books and working in a place where all of your co-workers and supervisors are also in love with books is a good place to be as an author—you’re fully immersed in the book world, and you get to see the direct impact books have on readers on a daily basis. It was really inspiring, especially when I was in the middle of a difficult revision or drafting process, to be reminded how much joy people get from reading books, to be reminded that, in the end, it would all be worth it.
Bethany Hagen was born and raised in Kansas City. She grew up reading Charlotte Brontƫ, Jane Austen, and all things King Arthur, and went on to become a librarian. Landry Park is her debut novel.
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Gracias por la info! ^^