Hard Trigger
Author: S.L.
Date: August 28, 2018
AOH Publishing
Romantic suspense
Word Count: 30K
Format: Print
and digital
mother’s opiates are coming from Jose Herrera’s distribution
network.” My pulse races as my stepfather speaks these words.
Because taking on the Herreras also means taking on Diego.
and hardened by a volatile past, Victoria does not see a future with
Diego Herrera as a realistic option. As their
childhood friendship ignites, they find themselves on opposite sides
of a bloody feud between the two most powerful families in Mexico
City. And she’s a Moreno now—brought up to be the secret weapon
nobody suspected.
Victoria can’t deny the attraction. Diego’s commanding muscles,
the coarse, dark hair of his solid chest, that rugged scar above his
sensuous lips…
is in the eye of the beholder.
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© 2018 S.L. Hannah
I take a long sip
of my drink, the flavor of olives and alcohol saturating my mouth.
“How’d you do in there?”
“Not even close to as impressively
as you.” He shakes his head, as if we’ve just finished a friendly
one-on-one game on my balcony.
The bartender slides a tumbler
brimming with brown juice towards him. I press Max Bet, and hold two
Queens. “You know what they say about losing propositions.” I
land a full house, and suck on my cigarette. Diego notices. “Get
out before you get killed.” I tilt my chin up to exhale away from
his broad torso, moving in closer as he leans an elbow on the bar.
The current between us surges.
He swirls the ice in his glass
before downing most of the whiskey. “Unless the risk is worth the
reward,” he says placing his near-empty glass on the bar. “Like
winning a $150,000 pot…on a bluff.” He stares at the cut over my
brow. “Jujitsu?”
I nod, gulping down more alcohol,
watching his jaw flex from youth and an overabundance of
testosterone. “Are you looking for pointers?”
“I want to apologize.” One of
his large, well-manicured hands takes the cigarette from between my
fingers. He inhales deeply, glancing briefly at my empty ring finger.
He’d accused my step-father of
purposely calling me to break up our trip, and worse, that my working
for him was the reason that my mother had ended up in the hospital.
I finish my drink and push it out of
my way. It’s the only thing I can do to calm my nerves. I stand,
and in my heels, we’re nearly at eye level. “My mother is out of
the hospital. Thank you.” I place a fifty on the bar and press the
Cash Out button. “But it doesn’t change anything between us.” I
slip the paper worth a couple hundred extra now into my clutch,
sidling up next to him, “So fucking hot, aren’t you?” My bare
shoulder brushes against his jacket, and my cheek gets flush the
closer it inches towards his. “But let me be clear.” My lips
brush his ear. “I’m not interested.”
I let that sink in before pouting
like I’m about to blow him a kiss and strutting away, even though I
know his eyes are still on me.
“Hey,” he calls out, but I don’t
bother turning around. Diego and I…we’re better at being friends.
I shouldn’t have given him false hope.
But he’s keeping pace. “Hey,”
he says, firmly grabbing my arm.
My fist whips up. Reflex. I nearly
clock him. And he let’s go, putting some distance between us. “I
know you like to play rough, Victoria. But I also know you’re
trying to kill my uncle.”
I grind to a halt. My heart thumps
loudly in my chest.
“Interested now?” Diego places
his hand back on my arm and walks me towards a set of elevators.
About S.L.
S.L. Hannah was born in Poland, grew up in Canada, and moved to Southern California to pursue her love of single-engine airplanes. Her latest rogue romance, Hard Trigger, will be published on August 28th, 2018. Visit her online at www.slhannah.com to learn about her other books, to get updates about her new release, and to connect through social media. S.L. Hannah lives in Los Angeles, CA with her husband and garden of succulents. When she’s not writing fiction, she continues to solve the aviation problems of the world.
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