
Creada en el 2009 por María Cabal, nuestra web ha sido un referente cultural durante más de una década. En 2018, decidimos renovarla y darle un nuevo nombre para reflejar nuestra evolución. Aquí encontrarás un espacio dedicado a nuestra pasión por la cultura, con reseñas honestas y respetuosas de libros, películas y series (entre otras cosas), entrevistas a autores y artistas, crónicas de eventos y mucho más. Colaboramos con editoriales, productoras e instituciones para ofrecerte lo mejor del panorama cultural. Todo lo que hacemos es por amor al arte y a la cultura. ¡Gracias por acompañarnos en este viaje! Equipo: Inés Díaz Arriero: Especialista en Literatura infantil y juvenil. Realiza reseñas y algunas entrevistas literarias LIJ. María Cabal: Especialista en cultura. Alberto Juarez: Especialista en cultura. Diseño: Logo: @Arandanity Ilustraciones: @ReiRei_Mv Web y blog desarrollado por: Lovelogic (Gabriela)


Identity Crisis Blog Tour

Identity Crisis
by Melissa Schorr
Publisher: Merit Press
Release Date: January 18th 2016
Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary

When curvaceous Annalise Bradley’s scandalous freshman year hookup sparks the anger of her female classmates, three of them decide to get her back by "catfishing" her, creating a fake online profile of the perfect boy to toy with her affections.
Against her better nature, introverted Noelle Spiers, goes along with her friends’ plan, hoping to distract Annalise from dreamy Cooper Franklin, her lifelong crush who has fallen for Annalise instead.
As Annalise discovers she is being played and seeks revenge, Noelle increasingly regrets her role in the cruel hoax and tries to salvage their relationship.
Told in alternative perspectives, IDENTITY CRISIS covers romance, betrayal, and timeless friendship in the age of modern technology.

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Follow the Identity Crisis by Melissa Schorr Blog Tour and don't miss anything! Click on the banner to see the tour schedule.

Melissa Schorr is the YA author of GOY CRAZY (Hyperion 2006) and IDENTITY CRISIS (forthcoming, Merit Press 2016), and a contributor to the YA anthology DEAR BULLY.
She is currently a contributing writer/editor to the Boston Globe Sunday Magazine. Her freelance work has appeared in numerous publications, including GQ, People, Self, San Francisco magazine, and The Wall Street Journal. 
Melissa currently lives in Boston with her husband, her daughters, and her dog, Bailey.

US Only

a Rafflecopter giveaway Direct link: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/d9681b86158/?



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