
Web cultural creada hace 14 años por María Cabal. Administrada por Inés Díaz Arriero y María. Hace 5 años se cambió el nombre (soycazadoradesombrasylibros) de este humilde espacio y se mudó todo el contenido a la web actual. Sabemos que todo cuesta tiempo, trabajo y esfuerzo, así que encontrarás opiniones realizadas con todo el respeto y educación del mundo. Entrevistas a personas de diversos ámbitos culturales, crónicas de eventos, etc. Somos un altavoz y colaboramos con diversas editoriales, productoras, instituciones, etc. No cobramos nada y todo lo hacemos por amor al arte y a la cultura, así que ¡Gracias por pasarte por nuestro humilde espacio y seguir Paseando a Miss Cultura. Logo del blog realizado por @Arandanity Brujas realizadas por @ReiRei_Mv


Very in Pieces blog tour

Very Sales-Woodruff is done being a good girl. Done being the only responsible one in a family that’s unraveling. Done being the obliging girlfriend in a relationship that’s sinking. Done saying no to what she wants—like Dominic, her rebellious classmate.
With her mom’s drinking, her dad’s extended absences from home, and her younger sister, Ramona, running wild, the path Very has always seen for herself doesn’t seem to matter anymore. At the same time, Very’s grandmother, a poet known less for her work and more for her exploits with the likes of Andy Warhol and Arthur Miller, is slipping away.
If everything else can fall to pieces, why can’t she?

Very in Piecesby Megan Frazer BlakemorePublisher: HarperTeenRelease Date: September 29th 2015Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary, Realistic Fiction

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Follow the Very In Pieces by Megan Frazer Blakemore Blog Tour and don't miss anything! Click on the banner to see the tour schedule.

Megan Frazer Blakemore is an author for children and young adults. She lives with her husband and children in Maine. She has worked in both school and public libraries, and is currently pursuing a doctorate in library science at Simmons SLIS.

2 winners will receive a signed copy of Very In Pieces and a signed copy of Secrets of Truth and Beauty by Megan Frazer Blakemore (US Only)

1 winner will receive a signed copy of Very In Pieces and a signed copy of Secrets of Truth and Beauty by Megan Frazer Blakemore (INT)



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