When a crippled young lord rescues a girl falling from a tree, it reveals a secret about himself and his mother's side of the family that could put him at the center of a war with beings he thought only existed in fairy tales. Tristan Gareth Smyth lived his entire life stuck at home at Waverly Park, left behind while his Grandfather makes trips to London, all because of his blasted wheelchair. Then an American heiress falls in his lap, literally, and he must find a way to keep her at a distance to protect not only his secret, but everyone around him from an assassin sent to kill him.
Aunque tiene pocas pƔginas y es mƔs un relato extenso, dicho libro se divide en varias edades de nuestro protagonista TristƔn Gareth Smyth un chico que estƔ en silla de ruedas y pertenece a una familia bastante pudiente.
El tiene un sueƱo, me acuerdo que la descripciĆ³n que hicieron las autoras en la primera pĆ”gina me llamo la atenciĆ³n como Melissa y Pauline de manera poĆ©tica describen los sentimientos del muchacho "Sus ojos fijos en el Ć”rbol, y Ć©l tenĆa agitado su corazĆ³n de nuevo.El recuerdo , tal vez un sueƱo.Siempre tuvo esa sensaciĆ³n cuando levantĆ³ la vista hacia las grandes ramas de este roble en particular..." Con esta simple frase te das cuenta de que el es un soƱador pero estĆ” frustrado y eso se puede ver en el carĆ”cter que tiene con todo el mundo y todo esto con una edad temprana.
Tabitha es su Ćŗnico amiga, es su hermana y se nota que ambos sienten adoraciĆ³n el uno por el otro.
Jessamine llega a la vida de nuestro protagonista como un soplo de aire fresco a la trama y de alguna manera se mantiene junto a Ʃl a lo largo y ancho de las pƔginas, ella va a ser un apoyo importante sobre todo cuando las autoras introducen varios giros y revelaciones.
No se nota cuando escribe Melissa y cuando Pauline, las dos se compenetran a la perfecciĆ³n creando una historia sencilla pero bonita llena de descripciones y de diĆ”logos bastante poĆ©ticos.
Quiero hacer incapie en que los personajes secundarios como es el caso de Sarah que me dejo con ganas de conocerla mƔs a fondo, que tenga su propia historia.
MagĆa Fae,amor,esperanza,secretos...todo tiene cabida en "Armored Hearts".
Melissa Turner Lee holds a BA in Communications with a concentration in Journalism from the University of South Carolina. She has studied fiction writing since 2008, attending various writing conferences and workshops, along with guidance from professional writing coaches. She resides in Spartanburg, SC with her husband and 3 sons. In simple language, Pauline Creeden creates worlds that are both familiar and strange, often pulling the veil between dimensions. She becomes the main character in each of her stories, and because she has ADD, she will get bored if she pretends to be one person for too long.

Pauline is a horse trainer from Virginia, but writing is her therapy. Armored Hearts, her joint effort with author Melissa Turner Lee, has been a #1 Bestseller in Christian Fantasy and been awarded the Crowned Heart for Excellence by InDtale Magazine. Her debut novel, Sanctuary is scheduled for release September 30, 2013, and has already been nominated for two awards in YA Science Fiction.One of Pauline's short stories has won the CCW Short Story contest. Other short stories have been published in Fear & Trembling Magazine, Obsidian River and Avenir Eclectia. An urban fantasy short will appear in The Book of Sylvari: An Anthology of Elves from Port Yonder Press, and a vampire short will appear in Monsters! from Diminished Media Group.
There will be one $20 Amazon Giftcard and one swag pack awarded to two random entrants into the Rafflecopter. Good luck, everyone! (: Giveaway ends on April 14th. Winners will be contacted by BMTS Tours and their information will be forwarded to the authors.
No termina de convencerme en esta ocasiĆ³n, asĆ que lo dejo pasar.
No lo conocĆa, se ve con buena pinta n.n