
Web cultural creada hace 14 años por María Cabal. Hace 5 años se cambió el nombre (soycazadoradesombrasylibros) de este humilde espacio y se mudó todo el contenido a la web actual. Sabemos que todo cuesta tiempo, trabajo y esfuerzo, así que encontrarás opiniones realizadas con todo el respeto y educación del mundo. Entrevistas a personas de diversos ámbitos culturales, crónicas de eventos, etc. Somos un altavoz y colaboramos con diversas editoriales, productoras, instituciones, etc. No cobramos nada y todo lo hacemos por amor al arte y a la cultura, así que ¡Gracias por pasarte por nuestro humilde espacio y seguir Paseando a Miss Cultura. Administrada por Inés Díaz Arriero (literatura y María Cabal. Logo del blog realizado por @Arandanity Brujas realizadas por @ReiRei_Mv


Usa Interview:J.A. Souders

-Would you know if your book will be publish in Spain?

   At this moment, no. However, my foreign rights agent is awesome and working hard at bringing it to a lot of countries. I'm confident that it will be. Hopefully soon!

-I see in your bio that the book is located an underwater city, What kind of creatures we can find? Any character was in your head for a long time?Someday you make good on the promises you made while in the Navy to visit Ireland, Scotland, and England, but in the book into theunderwater can find something from these countries?

Well, there aren't really any creatures, besides the ones you'd normally find under the water. Sharks, fish, whales.  So, no mermaids. :)  There might be some interesting things toward the end, but then I'd be spoiling the book! :)  Evelyn, the main character, wasn't in my head for a long time before I wrote the story, but she's very talkative now. And it's been going on 2 years since I wrote the initial story.  Elysium is a mix of cultures really. My hope while writing the story was that anyone from any culture would feel comfortable in that city. That it would be something people could easily see in their mind's eye. And that it would be familiar to them. As if they could walk downtown and they'd be there. So, yes, I do believe, that parts of England, Scotland, and Ireland and many other countries and cultures made it into this world.

-How was the process of investigation of the book about underwater?

   The process for researching this book was intensive.  Especially since there wasn't anything that exists like this in real life, so there was nothing to draw from. I had to come up with not only an entire viable eco system, political hierarchy and research the science that would allow such a large facility to exist on the bottom of the ocean floor, and for it to be self-sufficient, but I had to study human behavior and, weaponry, and what scientific advances would be available at that time using existing technologies.  But, even as exhausting as it was, it was so much fun to learn new things, and tweak them to work for my world.  

- I read in your bio why you write YA, but ,Would you like to experiment with another literary genre?

Yes actually! I am actually in talks with my agent about writing adult fiction. It'll be a post-apocalyptic like RENEGADE, but probably above world. :)

-Mistery times ten short story anthology featuring debut YA authors,What was easier for you to write a short story or write "Renegade"?

I think the actual writing of RENEGADE was probably easier.  I have a tendency to write a lot and having only 3, 000 to 10, 000 words to tell a story can be quite difficult. BUT because it was so hard for me to write that short, the editing was much easier.  

- Every author has a soundtrack which is yours?


  1. Breathless by The Corrs
  2. Precious Illusions by Alanis Morrisette
  3. Sacrifice by Creed
  4. Hanging by a Moment by Lifehouse
  5. No More Sorrow By Linkin Park
  6. Perfect Crimes By Rise of Defiance
  7. Brick by Boring Brick by Paramore

-Would you say something more for the Spanish readers?

Yes! I want to thank you and your readers for the opportunity to do this interview! And to thank everyone for their interest in RENEGADE and me and in turn their support! It means a lot to me.  



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