
Creada en el 2009 por María Cabal, nuestra web ha sido un referente cultural durante más de una década. En 2018, decidimos renovarla y darle un nuevo nombre para reflejar nuestra evolución. Aquí encontrarás un espacio dedicado a nuestra pasión por la cultura, con reseñas honestas y respetuosas de libros, películas y series (entre otras cosas), entrevistas a autores y artistas, crónicas de eventos y mucho más. Colaboramos con editoriales, productoras e instituciones para ofrecerte lo mejor del panorama cultural. Todo lo que hacemos es por amor al arte y a la cultura. ¡Gracias por acompañarnos en este viaje! Equipo: Inés Díaz Arriero: Especialista en Literatura infantil y juvenil. Realiza reseñas y algunas entrevistas literarias LIJ. María Cabal: Especialista en cultura. Alberto Juarez: Especialista en cultura. Diseño: Logo: @Arandanity Ilustraciones: @ReiRei_Mv Web y blog desarrollado por: Lovelogic (Gabriela)


Jennifer Comeaux 'Taking the Ice' blog tour

Series: Ice #3Release date: August 17th 2015Purchase: Amazon

Synopsis via Goodreads:

Olympic rings and an engagement ring.
Courtney Carlton is ready for both.
She and her boyfriend Josh have skated together and dated for four years, and they’ve reached a critical point in their partnership both on and off the ice. With the Winter Games coming up and their career nearing an end, they are fighting to win a spot on the Olympic team, something Courtney has dreamed of since she was ten years old. 
She also has another wish she hopes comes true soon. She’s waiting for a marriage proposal from Josh that she expected to happen by now. Will she realize either dream or will her heart be broken from disappointment? 

Jennifer Comeaux is a tax accountant by day, writer by night. There aren’t any ice rinks near her home in south Louisiana, but she’s a die-hard figure skating fan and loves to write stories of romance set in the world of competitive skating. One of her favorite pastimes is traveling to competitions, where she can experience all the glitz and drama that inspire her writing.

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