
Web cultural creada hace 14 aƱos por MarĆ­a Cabal. Administrada por InĆ©s DĆ­az Arriero y MarĆ­a. Hace 5 aƱos se cambiĆ³ el nombre (soycazadoradesombrasylibros) de este humilde espacio y se mudĆ³ todo el contenido a la web actual. Sabemos que todo cuesta tiempo, trabajo y esfuerzo, asĆ­ que encontrarĆ”s opiniones realizadas con todo el respeto y educaciĆ³n del mundo. Entrevistas a personas de diversos Ć”mbitos culturales, crĆ³nicas de eventos, etc. Somos un altavoz y colaboramos con diversas editoriales, productoras, instituciones, etc. No cobramos nada y todo lo hacemos por amor al arte y a la cultura, asĆ­ que ¡Gracias por pasarte por nuestro humilde espacio y seguir Paseando a Miss Cultura. Logo del blog realizado por @Arandanity Brujas realizadas por @ReiRei_Mv


My Name is Rapunzel-K.C. Hilton (Week Blitz)

My Name is Rapunzel - Week BlitzBy K.C. HiltonYoung Adult Fantasy / Fairytale / FolkloreDate Published: 11/23/2013

My tale has been told again and again, and I've heard each one. Except for my hair, I barely recognize the pitiful renditions. Muddled versions, crafted to entertain laughing children...but the children wouldn't have laughed if they'd known the real story. It wasn't their fault. They didn't know the truth. Nobody did. My name is Rapunzel. I will tell you my story. I will tell you the truth.


Just go, Henry. Save yourself. I tried to shout, but my mouth wouldn’t give way to sound. I was paralyzed. Was it with fear, or something else? The cackling witch at the tree line convinced me it was her doing.

I heard Henry continue to shout for me to flee, but I didn’t respond. I didn’t move. I didn’t run. I was frozen like a lifeless statue in a cold museum. With only the movement of my eyes, I pleaded with him to help me. A tear escaped one of my eyes then rolled down my cheek. That single tear managed to do what my heart and body could not. Escape.
Fear, like unseen hands, gripped my lungs and tried to crush them slowly. My stomach churned and threatened to empty. Would we die here?

The gentle chill of night had turned into a mid-winter’s frost. Tiny bumps rose on my arms and the small hairs prickled to attention. I opened my mouth to speak, but the words remained trapped in my throat.

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Born and raised in Aurora, Illinois I spent my childhood playing street games with the neighborhood kids. When I wasn't outside, I spent much of my time reading and getting lost in adventurous worlds and whirlwind courtships. At the age of seventeen, I moved to Kentucky and eventually began to raise a family of my own. I have always been entranced by stories of magical adventure and I have discovered that writing is an entirely new, exciting adventure all on its own! In my spare time, I can be found updating my website or blog, finding great books to read or watching videos. Most days I crave Diet Coke, pizza and chocolate, in no particular order. I have my own pink toolbox with pink tools and secretly want to be a mechanic! I grew up a tomboy. But, when I didn't want to climb a hill, to walk through the graveyard, the boys said I turned into a girl.

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Signed Copy of My Name Is Rapunzel and SWAG!


  1. Me hablaron de Ć©l ayer y me impactĆ³ mucho, tiene una pinta espectacular.

    Besos y feliz finde.

  2. Me anoto, se ve interesante.

  3. ¡QuĆ© portada tan bonita! Que pena que no me guste leer en inglĆ©s... Un besote :)

  4. Se ve sĆŗper interesante, porque AMO Rapunzel!,

  5. ¡Me encanta! Tiene una pinta estupenda y el trailer realmente invita a leer el libro :D


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