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Usa: Interview with Jessica Shirvington


-I see that in Germany,Uk and Australia will be publish, you know some news about Spain :)?

No, unfortunately I don't. The books will be available in English in the US, UK and Australia. They are also coming out in Germany, Brazil and Turkey that I know of. If I hear any updates on Spain I will post them on my website. I would love for the books to be published in Spain!

- For the people to know, what we can find in your books?¿How did the title of the book?n one sentence how would you describe your books?

The books are about the journey of 17 year old, Violet Eden, who discovers she is part angel and has a destiny that involves her becoming one of the Grigori - a warrior that defends the earth against the corrupt exiled angels. And as she discovers more and more about who and what she is, she feel betrayed by some of the people she loves, whilst also meeting new people who make her question everything.
The title of the books came about from the word EMBRACE, which is what Violet has to do in the first book - she must choose to EMBRACE her destiny and become Grigori or not. So this started a bit of an "E" theme and we have stuck with it. Now we have: EMBRACE, ENTICED, EMBLAZE and ENDLESS (so far!).
These books are about the idea of predetermined destiny versus free will and about the consequences that we can never foresee before we make a choice. And love.

-I see in the Faq that you inquire about "The story of Lilith"" The story of St. Francis of Assisi",How was the process of search of information?

Research is a huge part about writing books that include angel mythology. As a writer there is so much information out there and once you develop a theory that you want to work off it is amazing how many other ancient stories can be adapted to support this theory. For me, the stories of Lilith and St. Francis of Assisi were two such stories. St. Francis of Assisi suffered from the Stigmata and in book 2, ENTICED, this story is explained in a slightly different way to give it a whole new meaning. I love being able to do that with well known tales!

-That was the most difficult to write? the beggining,dialogues,the end...?

Probably the beginning. I find the beginning of every book the most difficult and the part of the book I have to go back to constantly to rework. If you don't get readers into the flow of the book and the story in the way you planned at the beginning - you can not expect them to keep reading.

-What things in the book are biographical?

Nothing. It is a very supernatural book and does not have room in it for any of my boring biographical content!

- In the blog you explain how do you feel about the wonderful cover,Is Violet the girl who appears in it?Would you see it the process of creating the cover?

Yes. I love the covers. I am lucky enough to have different covers in all the international markets so that allows for a lot of different interpretations, which is great. The US cover, most recently released is stunning! And yes, it is Violet. As for the process of the cover development - I am kept up to date with the process and invited to give my opinion along the way, but covers really fall into publisher domain. They are the experts and they really do know what they are doing. I have been extremely lucky with all of my publishers - they are amazing!

- I see in your bio that you likes the ancient history, if you could travel back in time, in wich epoch, do you like to visit?

Hmm... I think the 1500s would be a really interesting time to visit and I must admit I have some burning questions that date back to around 1600BC that - as long as I didn't have to stay there long - I'd definitely want to have answered! Actually, the list is quite long. I'd just love a time machine!

-For the spanish readers who know more about you, Where we can find the news of your books?

Best place is my website: www.jessicashirvington.com
Subscribe to the US Website and they will send through updates: www.embracetheseries.com
US Page: www.facebook.com/embracetheseries
Australian Page: www.facebook.com/violetedenchapters

-Do you like to add someting more to this interview or give a mesage for the spanish readers?

I hope to have my books in Spain very soon! :)


  1. Como siempre una gran entrevista guapa, la verdad es que es una pena que tarden tanto en traer los libros extranjeros a España. En parte por eso leo en inglés, soy una ansias, jajaja.
    Gracias por al entrevista, un besote!!!

  2. Parece que los ángeles siguen moviendo masas...jajaja


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